Nations(1216~1348) 威尔士, 苏格兰 和爱尔兰在放弃取走他们的民族统一身份之后,统一了他们的思想,宣言要从Edward I残暴统治下独立。 苏格兰对英格兰发动战争,并请威尔士加盟一同反对他们的最高统治者。而这却导致了爱尔兰血灾。威尔士,紧接着苏格兰,一个个倒在爱德华一世的铁锤下。爱德华一世建立了自罗马以来的最强大的帝国系统。 ❤ HINTS: Edward Norman Conquest Gwynedd Snowdonia Anglesey Llewellyn 英式拼法, 以音频内容为准 Edward, who needed no tutorials on the connections between ceremonies and power, immediately took this as a slap in the face, an act of virtual rebellion. In 1276, a huge army, the biggest seen in Britain since the Norman Conquest, invaded Gwynedd, penetrating right to its furthest corners, to Snowdonia and to Anglesey. Faced with this invasion, Llewellyn was forced to surrender. But, as so often in these years, humiliation bred defiance. In 1282, the Welsh launched a surprise attack on an English garrison. Edward now bore down again with an even bigger army, but this campaign was far from being a walkover. 爱德华深知,朝臣礼仪象征着王权统治力,他视此为一种羞辱,形同谋反。1276年,自诺曼征服战之后,不列颠规模最大的军队入侵了格温内思,长驱直入其疆界最远端,到达斯诺登地区和安格西岛。面对强敌压境,卢埃林不得不屈膝称臣,但正如这些年一再重演的历史一样,屈辱最终会酝酿出反抗。1282年,威尔士人对英格兰驻军发动了一次突袭,爱德华派遣了更大规模的军队进行镇压,但这场战争绝非想象中那样轻易。