Edward led his following to Evesham in Worcestershire, where de Montfort's now outnumbered army camped near the abbey. Under stormy skies, the battle was a slaughter. Told that his son had been killed, Simon replied, "Then it is time to die." He charged into the fray and was slain on foot, his devoted knights falling with him. Edward ignored the rules of war. The wounded were stabbed where they lay. Simon's head, hands, feet and testicles were cut off, the genitals hung around his nose. 爱德华率领他的追随者,来到伍斯特郡的伊夫舍姆。德·蒙德福特的大军势单力薄,就驻扎在这里的修道院附近。在阴霾的天空下,战争演变成了屠杀。被告知爱子已战死沙场后,西蒙只说了句"大势已去"。他冲入战场,最后死于混战中,他忠诚的骑士们也随之赴死。爱德华将战场上的道义抛之脑后,伤兵一律就地刺死。西蒙的头颅,手脚,睾丸均被砍下,生殖器被挂在了头上。