But like the later republic, this one quickly gained the attributes of a dictatorship. With power going to his head, Simon seemed more the vainglorious adventurer than a messianic reformer. In the end, he simply repelled more people than he attracted. With the impotent Henry III firmly under lock and key, the crown's future lay with Edward, outwitted his captors and made a dashing horseback getaway. Even at this stage, it was obvious there was something extraordinary about Edward. He radiated the kind of charisma that drew confused responses of both fear and adoration. He purposely kept his signals mixed, the better to convert them into loyalty. 但是,与后来的共和政体一样,他们很快就被冠以独裁的罪名。在权力的诱惑下,西蒙更像是一个自以为是的冒险者,而不是个救世主般的改革者。最终,他的很多亲信 也逐渐与他分道扬镳。失去权势的亨利三世身陷囹圄,王国的未来就落在了爱德华的肩上。他凭借过人的机智,成功地逃出了监狱。即便如此,仍然可以很清楚地看到爱德华身上有一些独特的品质,他周身散发出的非凡领导力令时人困惑,对他既恐惧又敬畏。他有意地保持自身的复杂形象,以便最终将之转化为忠诚。