I appoint no one my heir to the crown of England for I did not attain that higher by hereditary right, but wrestled it from the perjured King Harold in a desperate battle with much effusion of human blood. I have persecuted its native inhabitants beyond all reason. Whether gentle or simple, I cruelly oppressed them. Many I unjustly disinherited. Innumerable multitudes, especially in the county of York, perished through me by famine or the sword. Having therefore made my way to the throne of that kingdom by so many crimes, I dare not leave it to anyone but God alone, lest after my death worse should happen by my means. Once he had gone, in the early hours of the morning of the 9th September, 1087, a shocking scene took place. His closest followers now paid their last respects to William by all deserting him, racing after the four corners of the kingdom to secure their land and property, leaving the corpse to be looted by the servants, naked, bloated and beginning to putrefy on the monastery floor. 我未指定任何子嗣,为英格兰王位的继承者。因为我并未获此殊荣世袭统治,我靠着一场不顾一切的战争与无数人的鲜血,从背誓者哈罗德手中夺过王位。我毫无理由地残害原住民,无论是出身高贵和贫贱,我对他们进行了残忍的压迫。我不义地剥夺了很多人继承祖产的权利,数不清的子民,特别是约克郡的人们,因我而惨死于屠杀与饥荒。我靠着这些不义的行为,最终坐上了国王的宝座。我不敢将王位交与除上帝外的任何人,以免我死后,我所造之孽继续祸害人间。1087年9月9日的清晨,就在威廉刚刚过世后,发生了一件令人震惊的事件,他最亲密的追随者们用遗弃表达了他们最后的"敬意"。他们奔向王国各处去保卫他们自己的土地,留下了被仆人们洗劫后的尸体,在修道院的地板上裸露着,肿胀着,慢慢开始腐烂。