William had sworn that should God give him the victory he would build a great abbey of thanksgiving, exact spot where Harold had planted his flag, and here it is - a statement, if ever there was one, of pious jubilation. But William had to make sure he'd won not just a single battle but the war for England. This was done in the time-honoured way, cutting a swathe of fire, rape and plunder through the countryside of south-east England. One by one the Anglo-Saxon cities folded. William was crowned at Westminster on Christmas Day 1066. But the event was more like a shambles than a triumph. 威廉曾起誓,如果上帝赐予他胜利,他将在哈罗德竖旗的地方,建造一个大教堂。以表达他的感恩,地点就在我身后。要说的话,这更像是一次虔诚的欢庆举动,但是威廉必须确定他赢下的不单是一场战役,而是整个英格兰,他遵循古老的传统。黑斯廷斯,坎特伯雷,吉尔福德,米齐德夫,多尔切斯特,赫特福德,伦敦,走遍英格兰东南的各个村庄,烧杀掠夺,奸淫掳掠。盎格鲁撒克逊人的城市一个接一个被攻陷。1066年圣诞节,威廉在威斯敏斯特加冕,但仪式更像是个屠宰场而非一次盛会。