But Harold, always conservative in his tactics, refused to allow others to follow. So at this point, he seems to have lost momentary control of his own troops, who couldn't resist following the horsemen, elated by the thought that the Duke of Normandy was lost. But William threw back his helmet to prove he was very much alive. He rallied the ranks of the Norman centre around the rear of the pursuing Saxons and set about slicing them to pieces. The battle wasn't over yet. It was gonna take at least six hours to decide. The Bayeux Tapestry is shockingly explicit in exposing the extent of the carnage and mutilation. But it was the English army that was eventually, and very, very slowly, ground down. William began exploiting weak points, settling into an alternating rhythm of archers and cavalry. The arrows now shot high into the air and fell, not onto the front line but the heads of the unprotected men behind them. 但是贯以保守著称的哈罗德,下令禁止其余的士兵一同追击。在这个时刻,他似乎对他的军队失去了掌控,他的手下忍不住杀欲,前去追赶骑兵,满心鼓舞,以为诺曼底公爵打了败仗。但威廉重新带上头盔,证明自己还活着。他率领诺曼士兵,包围了追击出来的撒克逊士兵,将他们全部歼灭。战斗尚未结束,还将进行漫长的六个小时。贝叶挂毯十分露骨地,展示了屠杀和毁尸的细节,最终是英格兰军队。渐渐地,十分缓慢地被击退,威廉开始利用对方的弱点,反复利用弓箭手和骑兵进行交替攻击。弓箭向高处射出,急坠之后,越过前排士兵,直中后方没有头盔的士兵。