Then came to the slow advance of the archers, unloosing their first arrows under a hail of enemy spears. And finally the foot-soldiers breaking into a run behind them. And then there was just the murderous smashing and crashing of horses, the slicing and thrusting of weapons, the screams, cries of the wounded and dying. If the axeman stood firm against the oncoming horse, he'd still only get one good swing. If he missed, he was left open to the slash of the sword from the rider above. It was the initial success of the English that also threatened their downfall. On the left flank of William's army, horses stumbled and retreated. The right flank of Harold's army, many of them inexperienced fyrdmen, decided to chase them down the hill. 紧接着就是步步紧逼的弓箭手,在敌方暴雨般的长矛攻势下,射出第一批箭。最后,跑步前进的步兵紧随其后。之后就是对人马凶残地杀戮,兵戎相见,肆意砍杀,战场上充斥着死伤者的叫喊声。如果斧头兵站定位置面对奔来的骑兵,他只有一次机会挥斧攻击,如果没打中,他必将毙命于骑兵自马上落下的剑下,是英格兰人最初的胜利导致了他们的落败。在威廉军队的左翼,马匹磕绊着撤退。而哈罗德军队的右翼,大多是没有战斗经验的民兵,冒失的决定下山追击对手。