Imagine yourself then on the morning of Saturday 14th October, 1066. You're a Saxon warrior, a huscarl as it happens, and you've survived Stamford Bridge. You know your position here couldn't be better. You stand on the brow of the hill and look down hundreds of yards away at the opposition. Only have to do is to prevent the Normans from breaking through to the London road. They have the horses but then they have to ride them uphill. You look along the hillside and you see a densely-packed crowd of Englishmen. But the front are the huscarls, a wall of solid shields, and with them the axemen. But behind them are the part-timers, the fighting farmers, who must have time to find their courage. 试想那是1066年10月14日周六的清晨,你是一个撒克逊武士,恰好是名侍卫斯坦福桥一战的幸存者。你知道自己占尽地利,你站在山顶向下望,看到了离你数百米的敌方军队。你只需阻止诺曼人冲破伦敦的防线。他们有骑兵,但是他们必须冲上山战斗,你沿着山坡望去,看到了一群密集排阵的英格兰人。最前排是战斧骑兵,形成坚实的防护墙,与他们并肩的是战斧步兵,后面的是兼职服役的农民兵,定还在为如此场面而胆寒。