The cost of acting out heroic war games was measured in blood as well as money. Showing contempt for the defenders of the besieged castle by standing in front of them without armour, a lone archer's bolt found the join between Richard's neck and his shoulder. The wound turned gangrenous. Within ten days, the Lionheart was dead, a triumph of daredevil romance over common sense. His body was laid in a tomb at the foot of his father's, in Anjou. The heart of the Lionheart was taken to the great cathedral at Rouen in Normandy, which seems fitting, since this city was always more of a capital to Richard than London. His brother John, who succeeded him, was buried in England, mostly in Worcester Cathedral, because the Monks of Craxton Abbey had taken care to steal away his entrails, making John in death, as he'd been in life, one is attempted to say, gutless. 穷兵黩武的代价不止是流血,还得付出金钱。理查的大军围于被困的城堡前,理查不穿甲胄站在城前,以表示对守城者的轻蔑。一名弓箭手百步穿杨,直接命中理查的脖子和肩膀之间,伤口腐烂生了坏疽。不到十天,狮心王便与世长辞。超乎常理的崇尚鲁莽,狮心王可算是个典范。他被葬在安茹的陵墓,紧挨在他父亲脚下。狮心王的心脏被带至,诺曼底的鲁昂大教堂,那里似乎更合适。因为对理查而言,相比伦敦,这里才更像他的都城。他的弟弟和继任者,约翰,被葬在英格兰。大部分"被葬在威斯敏斯特大教堂,因为克莱斯顿修道院的修道士偷去了他的内脏,这让约翰无论是生前,还是死后,都会被人看作是"没种的人"[直译:没有内脏]。