Eager to do God's work, Richard vanished to the Holy Land. John immediately set himself up as a rival, creating a virtual state within a state, complete with his own court and mercenary army. In 1192, when news arrived of Richard's captured on his way back from the Crusade, John quickly declared his brother dead and himself King. Eleanor was torn to pieces by this fratricidal struggle. She'd been bred to do what Angevins do best, to preside over government, to manipulate politics. But now she was paralysed by the tragedy of her own family. In desperation, she turned to the Holy Father, to whom she wrote an extraordinary letter. 急于履行上帝使命的查理,开始向圣地进行十字军东征。约翰便立刻开始与他对着干,他在朝中建起了国中国,成立自己的宫廷,并召集了雇佣军。1192年,消息传来,理查在归程途中被俘。约翰立刻宣布理查已死,并自立为王。目睹手足相残,令埃莉诺心碎不已,一直以来,她都为安茹王朝鞠躬尽瘁,辅佐朝政,运筹帷幄,无所不能。而现在,她却被家人间的悲剧吓得手足无措。绝望之下,她只得向罗马教皇求助,她寄给对方一封非同一般的信。