To celebrate the new reign, the Jews of London presented Richard with a special gift, a gesture that was immediately interpreted by the populace as a sinister plot, and on which triggered a general massacre. Richard of Devizes in his chronicle was the first to use the word "holocaustum" to describe the mass murder of England's Jews. To his credit, King Richard made strong efforts to forbid this first wave of pogroms. The problem was that he was never around to enforce things. It was an irony really, the King whose statue stands outside Parliament and who's therefore supposed to personify some sort of elemental Englishness, spent less time in this country than any other monarch. The three lions on his coat of arms were Plantagenet lions. The Cross of St George stood for Aquitaine, not England. 为了庆祝新政权的建立,伦敦的犹太人向理查献上了特别贺礼。在场的众人立刻将此看作不祥之举,由此爆发了一场大屠杀。德维斯的理查在编年史中[英国史学家],首次使用了"大屠杀"一词,以形容这场英格兰犹太人的浩劫,值得一提的是理查国王一开始,曾全力阻止这场集体大屠杀。而问题在于,他从没有付诸实行,真正讽刺的是这位国王在议会厅外立了雕像。他应该本着英国作风,因地制宜,人性统治。相反,他对自己王国的投入,甚至比不上任何其他君王。三头狮子的盾形纹章代表了金雀花的家徽,圣乔治的十字则代表了阿基坦,而非英格兰。