A barge took his body downriver to Fontevrault Abbey. When Richard finally viewed the tomb, it's said that blood poured from the nostrils of the corpse. In fact, when Henry II died here at Chinon in 1189, hardly anyone mourned. It seems that most people were off breaking open bottles to celebrate the accession of his son, Richard, the darling of popular folklore and legend. From the very beginning, then, Coeur de Lion had won the public relations battle with his father. He was already the superstar of the dynasty. To prove it, to show that the old regime had passed, that a new glamour had arrived, Richard put on a show-stopping coronation. As if in a reverie of Camelot, he had himself dripping in gold - a golden sword, golden spurs, a golden canopy over his head. 一条驳船载着他的尸体,顺流而下,抵达方德霍修道院。据说当理查最终来到墓前,尸体的鼻孔甚至鲜血如柱。实际上,当亨利二世1189年于希侬去世时,几乎无人哀悼,而是都在开瓶庆祝。亨利的儿子,理查继位,他可是各种民间传说的宠儿。从一开始,狮心王在赢得民心方面,就已经胜过了他的父亲,成了这个王朝的超级明星。为了证明这点,宣告旧政权告一段落。新光环已然普照,理查举行了受人追捧的加冕典礼,他似乎沉浸在卡米洛特的幻想中。卡米洛特,英国传说中亚瑟王的宫殿所在,将自己裹在金光灿灿之下,手持金宝剑,脚踏金靴刺,头顶金华盖。