Betrayed and alienated, Eleanor turned her formidable energy and intellect to the business of getting her just desserts through her children. She was now determined to do everything she could to make them feel their father was robbing them of their rightful power and dignity. The sons rose to the bait, and what a bunch they were, Henry and Eleanor's four sons. There was young Henry, officially the next King of England, but in reality still having to apply to his father for pocket money. He rebelled, only to end up dying of dysentery. And there was Geoffrey, as bright and devious as his namesake grandfather, given Brittany, but then trampled to death by a horse. This left Richard, Coeur de Lion, the Lionheart, physically brave, chivalrous and brutally ambitious. 埃莉诺遭到背叛,倍受疏远,她将自己的可怕精力和聪明才智转嫁到了她的孩子们身上,通过他们来实现她的渴望。她下定决心要让他们感到自己的父亲正在剥夺,他们的合法权力和高贵身份。结果果然如她所愿,而这些人正是亨利和埃莉诺的四个儿子。首先是小亨利,英格兰的法定继承人,事实上仍是寄人篱下,衣食住行还得靠其父。他参与了叛变,最终却死于痢疾。其次是杰弗里,继承了祖父之名,同时也继承了其才智和诡计多端,封地为布列塔尼,却死于马蹄的践踏之下,接着是狮心王理查鲁莽勇敢,仗义行侠,野心勃勃。