They had let him lie, washed in his own blood, and over the clotting body laid the archiepiscopal garments. By chance there was a marble sarcophagus ready for someone else's burial here in the crypt, and a space to lower it into. So down went Becket, arrayed in the full rig, the dalmatic, the pallium, the cope, the chasuble, the orb and the ring. He'd always thought kit mattered, had Thomas Becket. And for just what exactly had Becket laid down, some would say thrown away his life? Some fantastic notion, already out of date, for the Church could lay down the law to the State? 他们把他放平,让他躺在血泊里,用大主教的华服盖住他凝固的身体。教堂地下室正好有一口,为别人葬礼准备的大理石棺,和一个放置石棺的墓穴。他们将贝克特穿戴整齐后安葬,法衣,大披肩祭服和斗篷式长袍,十字褡,法珠和法戒。十字褡,牧师主持圣餐,弥撒时穿的无袖长袍。托马斯·贝克特总是注重穿戴,而对于贝克特被杀害的原因。有人表示,算了吧,他这种人,自认为教会凌驾于法律之上,这种天真的想法早就过时了。