But the bishops were not in hell. They were at Henry's court near Bayeux, busy pouring venomous reports in the King's ear about Becket's impossible, virtually treasonous arrogance. And Henry, who typically seemed to have forgotten about the promises at Freteval, raised his head from his pillow and let out a roar of Plantagenet anathema. And it was not, "Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?" But a much more alarming outcry. "What miserable drones and traitors have I nourished and brought up in my household, who let their Lord be treated with such shameful contempt by a low-born cleric?" To anyone who'd witnessed Henry's terrible meltdown, or even heard about it, his words could only mean one thing. That he wanted the interminable, insufferable Becket problem to go away. Not go away as in six feet under perhaps, but then if that's what it took, so be it. He was after all a traitor and, well, what happens to traitors? 但主教们并没有下地狱,而是在巴约附近的亨利宫廷向国王散布一些恶毒的谗言,声称贝克特无可救药,叛逆嚣张。亨利果然忘了他在弗烈特瓦尔的承诺,他从床榻上抬起头,爆发了亨利二世的怒吼,并不是那句"就没有谁能帮我摆脱这个胡闹的教士吗"。而是一句更令人惊恐的谴责,"我的家园里究竟孕育和造就了,怎样可悲的寄生虫和叛国者,竟然纵容一个如此低贱的教士,这么可耻地羞辱他们的国王"。对于那些亲眼目睹亨利的可怕爆发,甚至只是有所听闻的人来说,他的话只有一个意思,他要这个没完没了,让人无法忍受的贝克特消失。也许消失并不非要到杀死的地步,但既然他咎由自取,那就杀了他吧。毕竟他已经沦为一个叛国者,而叛国者的下场是什么呢?