The location was to be a meadow surrounded by woods near the village of Freteval - "A beautiful place," remarked one observer. Only later did he find out that the locals called it "Traitors Meadow." Henry and Thomas rode out to each other and the King took off his hat in salutation. The two of them then embraced and sat for hours talking, the Archbishop's posterior mortified by the chaffing of his secret goat-hair underwear. For once, the King was in no mood to quarrel, and agreed not only to restore Thomas to all his powers and authority, but also to treat those who were Becket's enemies as his own. 就在弗烈特瓦尔附近,一处四周环树的草坪,看到的人曾说 "这是个美丽的地方"。然而随后他却发现,当地人称之为"叛国者草坪"。亨利和托马斯策马走向彼此,国王脱帽以示敬意。两人拥抱彼此,并膝长谈,国王对自己羊毛内衣的打趣,让大主教感到很是窘迫。这一次,国王无意争吵,他同意恢复托马斯的全部职权,还同意与贝克特站在同一阵线。