Henry II has no great monument to his reign. No horseback statue of him stands outside Westminster, yet he made an indelible mark on our country. The father of the Common Law. The godfather of the English state. But Henry was cursed, brought down by the Church, his children, and most of all by his queen, the older, beautiful, all-powerful Eleanor of Aquitaine. This is the story of Henry II and his family. In all the pages of British history, there has never been anything quite like it. 亨利二世没有专属的纪念碑,威斯敏斯特也没有他的骑马塑像。然而他对国家做出了不可磨灭的贡献,他是普通法的先驱,英国的教父。但他命运多舛,被教会及自己的孩子赶下台,年长而美貌的王后在其中扮演了重要角色,她就是权倾一时的阿基坦的埃莉诺。本集讲述的是亨利二世及其家族的故事,在英国的历史上,这段历史独特而非凡。