England, 1154, nearly a century after the Battle of Hastings. The country has been torn apart by a savage civil war. William the Conqueror was long dead. For 30 years, his grandchildren had been locked in a life or death struggle for the crown of England. The realm was in ruins. And then there appeared a young King, brave and charismatic, who stopped the anarchy. His name was Henry, and he would become the greatest of all our medieval kings. He should be as well-known to us as Henry VIII or Elizabeth I, but if he is remembered at all today it is as the King who ordered the Murder in the Cathedral or as the father of the much more famous, impossibly bad King John and the impossibly glamorous Richard the Lionheart. 英格兰,1154年黑斯廷斯战役后约一百年,整个国家因一场残酷的内战分崩离析,征服者威廉辞世已久。三十年来,他的孙辈们为了英格兰的王位,争得你死我活,王国成为一片废墟。随后出现了一位年轻国王,凭借勇气和魅力,终结了混乱的状态,他就是亨利。原本可以成为中世纪最伟大的国王,他本该与亨利八世和伊丽莎白一世齐名。但如今留给人们的记忆却只有,他授意制造了大教堂血案,以及诞下臭名远扬,卑劣至极的约翰王,与威名赫赫的狮心王理查。