These warlords were constantly in the saddle imposing their will on vassals, fighting off revolts and forging shaky coalitions. But the duchy was also humming with energetic piety. In the 11th century, handsome stone monasteries and churches with Romanesque arches began to appear. And the first grandiose stone castles, as tough as the Norman lords who'd built them, became part of the landscape. So until the throne of England tempted him back across the Channel at the age of 36, this was Edward's home, and while he was here a child was growing up who would change the course of British history. It was on the site of this castle at Falles in 1027 that William, known to all his contemporaries although not in front of his face as William the Bastard, was born. 这些军阀常年马不解鞍地四处征战,将其意愿强加于诸侯,平定叛乱,缔结摇摇欲倾的盟约,公国也忙于各种虔诚的宗教活动。在11世纪,拥有罗马式拱形结构的漂亮的石砌修道院和教堂开始出现。最早的宏伟壮丽的石砌城堡,如建造它们的诺曼王族一般坚毅,成为了这风景一部分。直到英格兰王位之争,诱惑着三十六岁的他横跨英吉利海峡回归祖国。这里就是爱德华的家,在此,一个孩童长大成人,并将改写不列颠的历史。1027年,就是在法莱斯的这座城堡里,威廉,这个被时人私下称为"私生子威廉"的人出生了。