He even chose as his closest advisor, one of the most powerful Anglo-Saxon nobles, Godwine, Earl of Wessex, a scheming, ruthless man. Godwine became virtual co-ruler with Canute over what was still recognisably Anglo-Saxon England. But with Canute's death in 1035 began a chain of events that would culminate in the one invasion that Anglo-Saxon England would be unable to swallow. And what a saga it was. It started with a bloody and unsparing fight for Canute's throne amongst the surviving elite. Treachery, murder and mutilation were par for the course. The last man standing with any kind of claim to the throne was a descendant of Alfred the Great, a prince of the Saxon royal house. He was called Edward and would become forever known as The Confessor. He was crowned on Easter Day, 1043. 他甚至选择了最具权势的盎格鲁撒克逊贵族之一,韦塞克斯伯爵戈德温作为亲信谋臣,一个阴险残忍的人,戈德温实际上成为了卡纽特的副手,统治着依稀可见盎格鲁撒克逊风貌的英格兰。1035年,卡纽特的死引发了一系列事件,并最终以一次入侵而告终。盎格鲁撒克逊英格兰是无法被吞并的,多么气势磅礴的英雄史诗啊!一切始于精英阶级为争夺王位而展开的一场,血腥而残酷的战争,背叛、谋杀和残害成为了常态。而伫立到最后夺得王位的是阿尔弗雷德大帝的后裔,一位撒克逊王室家族的王子,他名叫爱德华,后以"忏悔者"而闻名于后世,他在1043年的复活节加冕。