Maddeningly, the king had fallen short of actually declaring him his heir, but it was enough of a sign for Harold and for the northern earls who supported him. On January 6th 1066, Westminster saw the funeral of one king in the morning and the coronation of another in the afternoon. There are two Harolds depicted in the Bayeux Tapestry, but which was the real one - the confident king who now issued coins bearing the optimistic slogan "Pax", the Latin for peace, or the guilty, twisted usurper, stricken by omens, haunted by a vision of ships? The phantom fleet which the embroiderers set in the border of the tapestry suggests Harold could all too well imagine the reaction across the Channel to his coronation. 国王没来得及宣布他的继承人,但对哈罗德和支持他的北部伯爵来说,此举已足够。1066年11月6日,威斯敏斯特相继见证了,清晨老国王的葬礼,与下午新国王的加冕礼。贝叶挂毯上描绘了两位哈罗德,但哪一位才符合现实?是发行了印着拉丁字"和平"的硬币的信心满满的国王?还是愧疚而扭曲受凶兆折磨,被船只幻象困扰的篡夺者?绣女们绣在挂毯边缘的幻影船队,暗示哈罗德可能把穿越海峡进行加冕的过程想象得太容易了。