The Normans, by contrast, shave the backs of their heads. They're the scary half-skinheads of the early feudal world. Realising that his lucky number has come up, William could afford to be all charm and generosity to his prisoner, cleverly bringing him into his military entourage. William took Harold on campaign with him in Brittany, where Harold returns the favour by rescuing two of William's soldiers from the quicksands of Mont Saint Michel, one on his left arm, one on his back. But William's hospitality is steel-tipped. He makes Harold one of his knights, a solemn ceremonious business but one that involved a two-way obligation. 相反,诺曼底人削去了后脑勺的头发,他们还是封建社会早期可怕的半光头人。意识到自己的好运来了,威廉便对他的囚徒极尽慷慨大方之能事,趁机让他做了自己的军队随从。威廉带他出征布列塔尼,而作为回报,哈罗德在圣米歇尔山的流沙中,拯救了他的两名士。左手拉一名,背上背一名,但威廉的殷勤是有目的的。他任命哈罗德为骑士,这一庄严的仪式,意味着双向的义务。