While William was securing absolute power in Normandy, Edward was, by now, in the middle of a nervous reign, continually having to look over his shoulder at his biggest threat, Earl Godwine. But in 1051, Edward seized his chance to rid himself of his rival. Edward had brought over Norman allies, established them in castles, made one Archbishop of Canterbury. Feeling his moment had now come, he confronted Godwine with the crime of his brother's murder and threw him out of the country. But Edward's bid to rid himself of his sworn enemy failed miserably. In exile, the Earl of Wessex was just as dangerous as at home, and sailed back with a fleet to humiliate the king. 当威廉还在诺曼底保卫他的绝对权力时,此时的爱德华正处在一个尴尬的时期,他不得不时时提防,他最大的威胁,戈德温伯爵。但在1051年,爱德华抓住了摆脱这个政敌的机会,爱德华说服了诺曼盟友,将其安置在城堡里,并任命其中一人为坎特伯雷大主教,在觉得时机成熟之后,他当面嚎哭控诉戈德温谋杀了自己的哥哥并将他驱逐出境。但紧接着他为摆脱死敌的一切努力都付之东流,流放中的韦塞克斯伯爵依然危险,他带着一支舰队回来羞辱国王。