The exquisite Alfred Jewel found not far from Athelney has inscribed on its edge: "Aelfred mec heht gewyrcan", "Alfred caused me to be made." And the same might well be said of his reinvention of the English monarchy. The enormous haunting eyes which dominate the figure said to be symbols of wisdom or sight, apt qualities for a ruler whose ambitions were so lofty. Alfred's special gift was indeed to be able to see clearly England's place in the scheme of things, the debt of his realm to antiquity his bequest to posterity. With his realm transformed, Alfred made possible a true Anglo-Saxon renaissance in the 10th century, creating stunning works of Christian art and architecture. But the long shadow of Rome still fell over all this brilliance. 人们阿塞尔内附近发现了阿尔弗雷德之宝,它的边缘雕刻着:"我因阿尔弗雷德而创造",同因阿尔弗雷德而出现的,还有英格兰君主制的改革,人像的亮点是那硕大而令人难忘的双目,它们被誉为智慧与洞察力的象征,也是拥有雄心壮志的统治者应有的才能。阿尔弗雷德真正过人的天赋是对英格兰的一切都了若指掌,无论是自先人手中结果的烂摊子,还是他将留与子孙的遗赠,随着他的王国焕然一新,阿尔弗雷德在公元十世纪让盎格鲁-撒克逊从获新生,创造出一批精美绝伦的基督教艺术与建筑。然而所有珍品上都隐约可见罗马的影子。