If someone mentions that they went fishing with a couple of friends last weekend you can for instance ask: "Where did you go fishing?" or "What do you like most about fishing?" You may also ask "What did you do there besides fishing?" The person will delve deeper into the subject giving you more information to work with and more paths for you choose from. If they say something like "Oh, I don't know" at first, don't give up. Prod a little further. Ask again. They do know; they just have to think about a bit more. And as they start to open up, the conversation becomes more interesting. The second mistake is asking too many questions. If you ask too many questions, the conversation can feel like a bit of an interrogation. Or like you don't have that much to contribute. One alternative is to mix questions with statements. And then the conversation can flow on from there. And you can discuss Frisbee golf, the advantages or disadvantages of different lures or your favourite beer. 如果有人提到他们上周末和一些朋友出去钓鱼,你可以这么问,例如:“你们去哪里钓鱼了?”或者“在钓鱼这方面你最喜欢什么?”你也可以问:“你在那里除了钓鱼还做了什么?”那么这个人将认真考虑并与你进行更深入的谈论,这样你便有更多话题可讲。如果他们一开始这样说:“哦,我不知道”,那也不要放弃。再问一遍。他们其实是知道的,只是必须多一点思考。而当他们开始敞开心扉,谈话就变得更有趣了。第二个误区是问太多的问题。如果你问太多问题,会使得谈话感觉有点像审讯。或者也可能是因为你没什么话可说。有一个解决方法,将问题和陈述事实结合在一起,那么谈话就可以继续进行。你们可以讨论飞碟高尔夫,谈各种诱惑的优缺点,或者是说说你们最喜欢的啤酒都可以。