It is clear that if the interpreter doesn't translate some details, the interpretation will not be perfect but still adequate, whereas, if he or she misses out significant points of the discourse, the result would be a seriously flawed performance. Indeed, interpreters should be capable of providing a summary of a speech, since delegates often don't want a detailed interpretation but only an exhaustive and precise summary of what has been said. What's going on next in understanding phase is the analysis of links of the main ideas. A speech is not only a sequence of ideas, but also a series of ideas related to one another in a particular way. Ideas may be linked by logical consequences, logical causes, put together without cause-effect relations, and may also be expressed by a series of opposing concepts. 显而易见,如果口译员没有翻译一些细节,这项翻译工作也许不是完美的但也是绰绰有余的,然而,如果他或她遗漏了其中的重要的内容,结果大家将不知其所云。事实上,口译员应该能够提供演讲总结,因为代表团团员们通常只需要一个简洁精辟的总结而不是一个面面俱到的翻译。在理解这个阶段还包括分析主要思想之间的联系。演讲不仅是一堆想法,它是以特定的方式联系在一起的一系列的想法。这些想法可能与逻辑的前因后果联系在一起的,也可能彼此毫无因果关系,还有可能是通过一系列对立的观点表达出来的。