U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton recently welcomed Bangladesh Foreign Minister Dipu Moni to a meeting in Washington, reaffirming the strong ties between the U.S. and Bangladesh. "The U.S.," said Secretary Clinton, "wants to work with Bangladesh and other countries in the area to promot… 美国国务卿 Hilary Rodham Clinton ,近期在华盛顿会见了孟加拉国外交部长Dipu Moni,重申了美孟两国的紧密联系。国务卿克林顿表示,美国希望同孟加拉国以及该区域的其他国家合作,促进区域融合,创造更多的经济机遇,同时能够克服不规范的自由贸易,使得整个南亚地区得到繁荣发展。 孟加拉国外交部长Dipu Moni以及美国…