Other wars followed, however, and in 1954 President Dwight Eisenhower expanded the holiday to honor all who have served in uniform both in war and peace. President Barack Obama is continuing this effort with a program to help veterans leaving the military to find employment and ease their transition into civilian life. "Honoring our sacred trust with America's veterans means doing all we can to help them find work when they come home so they never feel as if the American Dream they fought to defend is out of reach for them and their families," the President said. At its core, though, Veteran's Day isn't about war. It commemorates no battlefield victory or defeat, it celebrates no advancement of political or territorial ambition. Rather, it's a day of remembrance, echoing similar holidays in Great Britain, Canada, South Africa and other nations that honor military veterans for their service and sacrifice. 尽管战争仍旧存在,1954年艾森豪威尔总统已将这一节日发扬光大,即尊重所有当过兵的人们,无论他们生活在战争年代还是和平年代。 奥巴马总统通过他的一项举措继续着这样的努力。这项举措致力于帮助老兵在离开军队后找到工作并使他们向城市生活的转变变得较为容易。“向美国老兵献上我们最高的敬仰意思是尽我们所能来帮助他妈呢在回家后找到工作,这样他们就不会感到他们所为之奋斗的美国梦想是他们和他们的家人所遥不可及的。 从这一层层面上将,这个节日无关乎战争。它庆祝的不是战争的胜利,它祝贺的不是政策的前进或者领土的扩张,它是一个纪念日,回忆所有类似的日子,在大不列颠、加拿大、南非和其他国家,以表达对美国兵服务和牺牲精神的敬仰。 ——译文来自: 露儿滴朵朵