During the American Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln called on his countrymen in his famous Gettysburg Address to ensure that liberty shall not perish from the earth. His words have inspired many over the years, including millions in the nation's armed services who fought to preserve not only th… 美国内战期间, 总统亚伯拉罕林肯在著名的盖茨堡号召民众以确保民主不会在世界上消失。在几年中,他的话激励了很多人,其中包括上百万的来自国家军队的军人。他们不仅为自己国家的自由而战,也为其他国家的自由而战。 今天,美国退伍军人节,美国人停下来敬仰这些人,他们对于责任的重视以及他们所代表的牺牲精神。他们离开…