One of APEC's main goals is to reduce barriers to trade and commerce, thus improving the flow of goods and services. "We represent close to 3 billion people, from different continents and cultures," said President Obama, "Our citizens have sent us here with a common task: to bring our economies closer together; to cooperate; to create jobs and prosperity that our people deserve so that they can provide for their families." This means creating free-trade zones. A component of that effort is development of the proposed nine-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership, which would unite Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Chile, Malaysia, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, United States and Vietnam. But it also means that the playing field must be level, and member nations must obey the same rules. They must operate on a market-based currency system, protect intellectual property rights, build up domestic markets instead of concentrating mostly on export, and enforce existing trade laws. "Today, we've got an opportunity to make progress towards our ultimate goal, which is a seamless regional economy," said President Obama, "The economies of this region have a critical role to play in addressing the imbalances and making sure that growth is balanced and sustainable in the future." 亚太经合组织一项主要目标是减少交易和商业的壁垒,从而提高货物和服务的流量。美国总统奥巴马说,我们代表了接近30亿的民众,这些民众来自于不同的大陆和文化。我们的公民促使我们带着一个共同的使命来到这里:整合经济;合作;创造我们的人民应有的工作和财富从而让他们能够供给家庭。这意味着创造一个自由贸易地区。这项努力的一项组成部分是提出此建议的九个横跨太平洋国家伙伴关系的发展,这将会使这些国家团结在一起,这些国家分别是,澳大利亚,文莱,印尼,智利,马来西亚,新西兰,秘鲁,新加坡,美国以及越南。但同时它也意味着比赛场地必须相同,成员国必须遵守相同的规则。成员国必须在以市场为基础的货币制度上运行,必须保护知识产权,建立国内市场而不是大部分专注在出口, 并且要加强执行现存的贸易法律。 “今天,我们获得了一个朝向我们终极目标前进的机会,这是一个一体性的地区经济”“这个地区的经济在处理不平衡,保障增长平衡和未来的可持续方面发挥着巨大的作用”。美国总统奥巴马说道。