In Bahrain, the U.S. intends to hold the government to its commitments to provide access to human rights groups, to allow peaceful protests, and to ensure that those who cross lines in responding to civil unrest are held accountable. Reform and equal treatment for all Bahrainis are in Bahrain's interest, in the region's interest and in the United States' interest. A fundamental component of democracy is holding free and fair elections. Parties committed to democracy must reject violence; they must abide by the rule of law and respect the freedoms of speech, religion, association, and assembly; they must respect the rights of women and minorities; they must let go of power if defeated at the polls. In order to promote the democratic process in North Africa and the Middle East, the U.S. is providing resources, capabilities and expertise to support those who seek peaceful, democratic reform. The United States is committed to helping all people, men and women, in the region find justice and opportunity as full participants in new democratic societies. 美国计划让巴林岛政府履行承诺,为人权组织提供法律程序,允许和平抗议,确保国内动乱分子受到法律制裁。巴林岛人的改革和平等待遇应符合巴林岛利益、地区利益以及美国利益。 民主的基本组成要素是自由而平等的选举权利。承诺民主的党派应拒绝使用武力;他们必须遵守法制,尊重言论、宗教、结社和集会自由;他们必须尊重妇女和少数民族的权利;若在民意测验中失败他们必须主动放弃权利。 为促进北非和中东地区的民主进程,美国正为其提供资源,做力所能及之事,并派遣专家,支持寻求和平民主改革的力量。 美国致力于帮助本地区全部人民,无论男女,实现公平正义,保障其参与新的民主社会的权利。