The United States is committed to promoting democracy in the Middle East and North Africa. "We are not simply acting in our self-interest," said U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, "Americans believe that the desire for dignity and self-determination is universal." Moreover, democratic governments tend to be more stable, peaceful, and prosperous. Secretary Clinton continued by stating, "In the Middle East today, the greatest single source of instability is not the demand for change. It is the refusal to change. That is true in the case of Syria, where a crackdown on small, peaceful protests drove thousands into the streets and thousands more over the borders. It is true in Yemen, where President Saleh has reneged repeatedly on his promises to transition to democracy and suppressed his people's rights and freedoms. And it is true in Egypt. If, over time, the most powerful political force in Egypt remains a roomful of unelected officials, they will have planted the seeds for future unrest," said Secretary Clinton, "and Egyptians will have missed a historic opportunity." 美国会在北非及中东着力推广民主政治. "我们并不是仅仅为了我们自身利益," 美国国务卿希拉里.克林顿说, "我们人为对尊严和实现自我价值的渴望, 是全人类的共性." 更何况, 相对来说, 民主政府管理下的国家更稳定,更和平,更加的繁荣昌盛. 国务卿克林顿继续阐述到: "现在的中东, 造成局势动荡的最主要的根源不是求变, 而是拒绝变化,害怕变化. 叙利亚就是这样的. 在叙利亚,当局镇压和平的,小型的抗议示威活动, 却致使成百上千人无家可归,露宿街头, 指使更多的难民涌往边界线上; 也们也是这样的. 总统SALEH曾承诺会过渡到民主政治, 却一而再,再而三的背弃诺言, 对民众采取镇压集会,践踏人权,封锁自由的高压政策; 在埃及国内, 情况也是类似. 随着时间的推移, 如果埃及国内强权集团始终保持现状, 拒不进行政府民选, 这将为其引发国内局势的进一步动荡埋下导火索." 国务卿克林顿说, "埃及人民将会错过这个千载难逢的历史性机遇."