"We are now updating our alliance and all of our alliances in the region with three guidelines in mind," U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said recently in Manila while commemorating the 16th anniversary of the United States-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty. "First, we are working to ensure that the core objectives of our alliances have the political support of our people. Second, we want our alliances to be nimble, adaptive, and flexible so they can continue to deliver results in this new world. And third, we are making sure that our collective defense capabilities and communication infrastructure are operationally and materially capable of deterring provocation from the full spectrum of state and non-state actors." The Manila Declaration, which the U.S. Secretary of State and Secretary of Foreign Affairs Albert del Rosario signed on November 16th, reaffirms that the United States-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty remains the foundation for the bilateral relationship, and sets forth a shared vision for strategic, political, economic, and people-to-people cooperation. The Manila Declaration stated that the United States and the Philippines' abiding friendship has been forged by a history of shared sacrifice and common purpose, and enriched by the presence in the U.S. of over 4 million Filipinos and Filipino Americans, and in the Philippines by over 150,000 Americans, who help shape the political and economic future of both countries. 最近,在菲律宾马尼拉,美国国务卿希拉里·克林顿在美-菲签署《共同防御条约》16周年之际发表声明:“我们依照3个指导方针,升级美菲盟友关系及周边地区美国与其所有盟友的关系。第一,我们应该努力确保盟友关系的核心目标受到人民支持。第二,我们希望盟友关系保持灵活自由,这样才能继续在“新世界”中创造成果。第三,我们正努力确保双方共同的防御能力和通信基础设施建设在实际操作中能够正常运营,以抵抗某些国家和地区的极端分子的挑衅。” 美国国务卿和菲律宾外交部长罗萨里奥先生于11月16日签署的《马尼拉宣言》, 再次声明了美国-菲律宾《共同防御声明》是双边关系的基石,阐明了两国在战略,政治,经济,民间交流等方面的合作内容。 《马尼拉宣言》提出,出于双方共同努力,拥有共同目标,美菲两国维持了坚实的外交关系,这一关系通过4百万菲律宾人和菲律宾裔美国人在美国的奋斗而得到加强。同样在菲律宾,有15万美国人正在为为两国政治和经济的未来添砖加瓦。