Good afternoon, Mr. Chen. How are you? Fine, thanks. I will go to Mainland China for a business trip tomorrow. And I want to change some Hong Kong dollars into Renminbi. How much do you want, Mr. Chen? One thousand yuan, please. By the way, what is today's exchange quotation? The rate is still high for other foreign currencies. The exchange rate for Hong Kong dollars into Renminbi is 1.053 Renminbi yuan to one dollar. Oh, I see. Could you please split the one thousand Renminbi into hundreds and tens? Certainly, sir. How do you want it? Five hundred in hundred RMB notes and the others in ten RMB notes, please. Yes, Mr. Chen. Here you are. Thank you very much. A:下午好,陈先生。您最近过得怎么样? B:很好,谢谢。明天我会到内地出差,想把一些港币兑换成人民币。 A:您要多少,陈先生? B:请给我1000元。此外,今天的外汇行情走势怎样? A:其他外汇汇率仍然高涨,而港币和人民币的汇率是1.053 元人民币兑1元港币。 B:我知道了。您能把这1 000元人民币换成100元和10元面值的钞票吗? A:当然可以,您想怎样换呢? B:要5张100元人民币的钞票,其他换成10元人民币的钞票就行了。 A:好的,陈先生。给您。 B:十分感谢。 生词:exchange quotation 外汇行情