C: Hi, I'm Chris, and welcome to The English We Speak. C: It's a nice day here in London, so I've come outside to meet Helen. C: Ah, there she is. C: Helen, how are you? H: I'm fine thanks. C: What are you doing? What are you looking at? H: I'm looking up. C: Right. But I can't see anything. H: Neither can I. C: Have you seen an aeroplane or something? H: Not sure. C: Maybe a bird? H: Well, apparently things are looking up. C: Things are looking up? H: Yes, Rosie told me that the weather has been sunny for the last three days, so things are looking up. H: I thought I'd come and see for myself. H: But there's not much going on to be honest. C: Ah, I think you've misunderstood. C: Rosie didn't mean there are things up in the sky. H: Really? What do you mean? C: It's an expression. C: You use the phrase "things are looking up" when you want to suggest that conditions are getting better or more positive. H: Oh, right. C: Here are some examples. Examples: My wife and I both found great new jobs last month, so things are looking up. Things are finally looking up now that he's recovered from his illness. H: So when Rosie told me that things were looking up, she meant that the weather has been getting better at the moment. C: Yes, she's suggesting that it looks like the weather in general is improving. C: So what do you think? C: Do you think the weather is getting better? H: So far, yes, yesterday was really hot. H: I hope it lasts for the weekend. H: But if things get worse, would you say, "things are looking down"? C: Not really. C: Instead, you could say, "It's taken a turn for the worse". H: It's taken a turn for the worse. H: That's a useful phrase. C: Oh, but hang on. C: Look at that black cloud in the sky. C: It looks like it might rain after all. C: That's typical English weather. H: Oh great. Things really have taken a turn for the worse. H: Quick, let's get back to the office before it rains. C: Let's go! C: Do join us again for another edition of The English We Speak and visit our website, bbclearningenglish.com. C: Bye. H: Bye.