Hello. Welcome to The English We Speak with me, Helen. And me Rob. Hi. Rob, I like your trainers, very cool, and look at your designer jeans. Trendy, Rob's looking quite trendy today, for a change! So you like them then? I do. But it's not really what someone your age normally wears. Oh, I see. But don't you think it makes me look cool and fashionable and younger? Erm. You know, I'm just trying to get down with the kids. The kids? You're down with the kids? Down where exactly? Oh Helen, keep up. I'm not going anywhere. I mean I'm keeping in with the kids. I'm in tune with the younger generation, yeah! So Rob, to do this you have to dress like a teenager? Well, not just that. I share the same interests as young people. I listen to their music on my mp3 player. Like this. Erh,could you turn that down please. Oh, right right right. So you're acting young when really you aren't. It seems getting down with the kids is about behaving like them. Well, you are certainly a big kid Rob. Let's hear some examples of people using this phrase. My Dad's bought a new skateboard so that he can be down with the kids. I almost broke my neck snowboarding on holiday but hey, at least I'm down with the kids. She's dyed her hair red and pierced her nose just so she can be down with the kids. So Rob, what else are you doing to be down with the kids? Hey Helen, I'm doing things like chillin' and being where it's at. Rob not all kids talk like that. Oh right. Well, I've got some rollerblades so I can blade round the park. The only trouble is, I can't seem to get them on. Ouch, my back. Are you OK? It looks like Rob has a bad back, so he won't be down with the kids for a while! Do you need some help? Thanks. I think I'll just put my slippers on, much more comfortable. Remember, being down with the kids can be hard work. See you next time. Bye bye. Bye. Ouch, my back. Helen, could you just put that slipper over there please?