Hi. You're listening to The English We Speak. I'm Rosie and today Li is with me. Hello. And today we're going to be talking about. Er, Li, what are we talking about again? I don't know, you're the one presenting the programme. I know, but my mind's just gone blank. Your mind has gone what? My mind's gone blank, which means it's completely empty, like a blank piece of paper. Oh dear, completely empty? Right, let's start with something basic then. Do you remember what your name is? Of course I remember what my name is. When you say your mind has gone blank, it means you've forgotten what you were going to say. Oh, I see. So in this case you completely forgot what you were supposed to be talking about in this programme? Exactly. Do you remember it happened to me when I had to give that presentation. Right, now Rosie is going to talk a bit about the project and its aims. Yes. Well, erm erm. Sorry, my mind's just gone completely blank. Well, don't worry. It happens to the best of us. I was in an interview once and I couldn't think of an answer to a very simple question. So Li, can you tell us a bit about yourself? Ah, yes. There's so much to say, I don't know where to begin. Let's see. Sorry, my mind's just gone blank. Right, I see. Ha. And did you get the job? Yes, I did. I was really surprised after my mind went blank like that in the interview. I suppose I was the best candidate. I do have a lot of experience and they must have really liked me as a person. Ah, I've just remembered what we were supposed to be talking about today! We were going to discuss. Sorry Rosie, but it's a bit too late now. Next time, perhaps? If your mind doesn't go blank, that is. It won't. Thank you Li. Join us again for another edition of The English We Speak and visit our website. That is the. Oh, what's the web address again? My mind has gone blank. It's bbclearningenglish.com. Bye. Bye.