[00:01.00]Hi Chris, I see you've got an interesting new jumper. [00:04.00]Ah, yes. I went to the market this weekend. I wasn't looking for a new jumper but I walked past a vintage clothing stall and this just caught my eye. [00:13.00]Ow, did it hurt? [00:16.00]No, no. It's just a way of saying it attracted my attention and it made me want to take a closer look. I eventually bought it for only £10. What do you think? [00:25.00]Well, it's OK. But I don't really like the yellow colour with orange sleeves. It's a bit bright. [00:33.00]What do you mean? [00:34.00]I have to be honest, Chris. Bright colours don't really suit you. [00:39.00]Oh. Well, it might not be to your taste, but I'm sure other people will like it. [00:45.00]Jen, what do you think of Chris's outfit today? [00:48.00]Wow, that's an eye-catching jumper. Don't tell me you actually paid for that? [00:54.00]Wh- [00:55.00]An eye-catching jumper. So when it catches your eye, you notice it. [00:59.00]That's right, Helen. But eye-catching doesn't necessarily mean it's bright, like Chris's interesting jumper. It can be something that you quickly see because it surprises or interests you. [01:12.00]You can also catch other people's eyes. [01:15.00]Urgh, I hope no-one throws their eyes at me. [01:18.00]It's a gesture that can be romantic - to catch someone's eye across a crowded room. Let's listen to some examples. [01:25.00]Jeff was about to give up and leave when he caught Sophie's eye at the bar. [01:32.00]David was impatient to leave the restaurant and raised his hand to catch the waiter's eye. [01:37.00]So you can grab someone else's attention by looking at them with your eyes. [01:41.00]Hmm. If I see someone I like, should I be polite and ask them if I can catch their eye? [01:47.00]No, it's just something you do when you look at someone. You don't need to ask. [01:51.00]I'm looking around the room. I'm looking around the room. And now I'm looking at you, Chris. I'm catching your eye. [01:59.00]That's right. [02:00.00]I'm catching your eye. I'm catching your eye. [02:04.00]Well, it is only temporary. If you look for any longer it can become a stare. [02:09.00]I've caught your eye. [02:11.00]Yes, yes you have. OK, you are definitely staring at me now.