Hi, I'm Rosie, and this is Li… Li? Hurry up. Look, here's the karaoke bar. Ahhh. Rosie, why is the bar on the top floor? So many stairs. Help me please. I'm so unfit. I need to start doing more exercise. I'm going to join the gym tomorrow. Tomorrow? Why don't you join the gym today? I'll join it tomorrow and then I'll go every single day. I will. I really will. Li, you've been saying that for months but you never actually do it! This time I will, I promise. That's what you always say. You need to put your money where your mouth is. You want me to put my money where my mouth is? You want me to eat my coins and banknotes? That's disgusting. No, Li, that's not what I meant. To put your money where your mouth is means to stop just talking about something and to take action. Ah, so you didn't really want me to put all these coins in my mouth? No, please don't. I want you to stop talking about joining the gym, and to join it for real. Here are some more examples. If we played a game of tennis I would easily win. Why don't you put your money where your mouth is? I challenge you to a game. So to put your money where your mouth is means to support your words with actions? Yes. so you'd say you’re one of those people who puts their money where their mouth is? Definitely. That's interesting actually. So the other day you were saying that you love singing, and here we are in a karaoke bar. Well yes but, I'm really terrible actually. And some of our colleagues are here, how embarrassing. No excuses. Put your money where your mouth is and sing a karaoke song. Oh, do I have to? OK. Here we go. Near far wherever you are .I believe that the heart does go on. Maybe just maybe, sometimes it's best not to put your money where your mouth is.