Hi, I'm Rob. And this is Helen. Hello. Now come on Helen, we've no time to waste. This jumble sale has nearly finished and we haven't got any bargains yet. Yes, all I've bought is an old teddy bear and a hat with a hole in it. A jumble sale is a great place to pick up some second-hand goods but make sure they are things you want. So what are you looking for Rob? Well, some antique pots and some vases. And then I can sell it to someone else and I'll be quids in. What? Quids in? What a strange saying. Well, it means I'll be in profit, or I will have made or saved some money through some kind of financial transaction. I like the sound of that. But did you say squids in, like the creature in the sea, a squid? No nothing like that Helen, the word is quids, it's a slang word for pounds. A quid is ?1. You might hear people talking about it like this: I'm broke so can you lend me a quid to buy a cup of tea, please? Come on ladies, who wants these lovely strawberries? Only two quid a box. So a quid is a pound and if I am quids in it means I will have made some extra pounds sterling. Ah, why didn't you say? Quids in means you could be rich. Possibly possibly. But let's hear some other people who are hoping to be quids in. If we complete this deal, we'll be quids in. With such a good exchange rate you'll be quids in when you go abroad on holiday. I paid ?50 for it but sold it for ?60 so I'm quids in. The English we speak. OK Rob, if we're going to be quids in today we need to get buying things. Did I say "we"? Anyway, look at this old vase, it's only ?10. I could clean it up and sell it for ?20. Sounds fantastic. We really would be quids in then. Come on then let's buy it. Right OK, so I've got my bargain for today, let's go home. Rob watch that step! Whoa. Oh no, my vase. It's broken. Oh. Do you think you'll be able to get ?20 for it now? No, I won't even get a penny. Rob won't be making a profit on selling his old vase now it's broken. Is there such an expression as being quids out? No there isn't. But there is an expression about being out of pocket. Hmm, I think we'll leave that for another day. Come on Rob I'll buy you a drink to cheer you up. Thanks Helen. See you next time on The English We Speak. Bye. Bye.