[00:00.53]Hi, I'm Rob. And this is Helen. [00:02.95]Hello. [00:03.70]Now come on Helen, we've no time to waste. This jumble sale has nearly finished and we haven't got any bargains yet. [00:10.38]Yes, all I've bought is an old teddy bear and a hat with a hole in it. [00:14.89]A jumble sale is a great place to pick up some second-hand goods but make sure they are things you want. So what are you looking for Rob? [00:23.85]Well, some antique pots and some vases. And then I can sell it to someone else and I'll be quids in. [00:30.30]What? Quids in? What a strange saying. [00:34.17]Well, it means I'll be in profit, or I will have made or saved some money through some kind of financial transaction. [00:41.66]I like the sound of that. But did you say squids in, like the creature in the sea, a squid? [00:48.38]No nothing like that Helen, the word is quids, it's a slang word for pounds. A quid is ?1. You might hear people talking about it like this: [00:58.40]I'm broke so can you lend me a quid to buy a cup of tea, please? [01:03.74]Come on ladies, who wants these lovely strawberries? Only two quid a box. [01:11.99]So a quid is a pound and if I am quids in it means I will have made some extra pounds sterling. [01:18.84]Ah, why didn't you say? Quids in means you could be rich. [01:23.70]Possibly possibly. But let's hear some other people who are hoping to be quids in. [01:29.95]If we complete this deal, we'll be quids in. [01:33.46]With such a good exchange rate you'll be quids in when you go abroad on holiday. [01:39.33]I paid ?50 for it but sold it for ?60 so I'm quids in. [01:47.40]The English we speak. [01:51.30]OK Rob, if we're going to be quids in today we need to get buying things. [01:56.77]Did I say "we"? Anyway, look at this old vase, it's only ?10. I could clean it up and sell it for ?20. [02:05.21]Sounds fantastic. We really would be quids in then. Come on then let's buy it. [02:13.67]Right OK, so I've got my bargain for today, let's go home. [02:18.75]Rob watch that step! [02:20.62]Whoa. Oh no, my vase. It's broken. [02:25.61]Oh. Do you think you'll be able to get ?20 for it now? [02:30.25]No, I won't even get a penny. [02:33.42]Rob won't be making a profit on selling his old vase now it's broken. Is there such an expression as being quids out? [02:40.90]No there isn't. But there is an expression about being out of pocket. [02:46.71]Hmm, I think we'll leave that for another day. Come on Rob I'll buy you a drink to cheer you up. [02:53.37]Thanks Helen. See you next time on The English We Speak. Bye. [02:57.72]Bye.