Hi I'm Jennifer and I'm waiting for Helen. I did see her in the corridor earlier, and she was looking a bit unhappy. Wait, here she is. Hi Helen. Hi Jen. What's the matter, Helen? Why the long face? What's wrong with my face? Nothing's wrong with your face, except that it looks a bit upset. But you just said I've got a long face. No, what I said was. You think I've got a strange face. I knew I shouldn't have worn my hair like this today. No, I asked you, "Why the long face?" Is it my nose? Is it too big? Or maybe my chin is the wrong shape. Maybe I should just wear a big bag over my head. No, no, no. That's not what I meant. First of all, you look lovely today. So what did you mean? In English, the expression "why the long face" is used as an informal way of asking someone what's wrong if they look upset. So there's nothing wrong with my face? No, there isn't. Let's hear some examples of the phrase in use. You've just got a new job, a new house and a new man. you should be happy. Why the long face? Hey there, don't look so sad. Why the long face? So "why the long face" is just another way of asking "what's the matter". Exactly. You could also say "what's up". That's very simple. You could say "what's wrong" too. So what IS wrong? Why do you look so miserable? I've just had a really bad day. Everything has gone wrong. First I lost my car keys, then I was late for a meeting and I fell over and landed in a puddle on my way. It was a horrible day. It sounds awful. I know, how about I tell you a joke to cheer you up. You'll like this one. OK, why not. Let's hear it. A horse walks into a bar. The barman says, "why the long face?" So the horse was unhappy? What's funny about that? The barman says to the horse "Why the long face?" Why would a horse be in a bar? It doesn't matter. It's a joke. It's a horse so the barman says "Why the long face?" I don't understand. The horse has a long face. So it's unhappy? No, well, yes, but that's the joke. Horses have long faces. So why did it go into the bar again? I don't get it.