[00:01.53]Hello, and welcome to The English We Speak. My name is Helen. [00:04.95]And I'm Steve. How are you, Helen? [00:07.45]Actually, I'm feeling very positive, thanks Steve. [00:10.71]Why? What's happened? [00:12.57]Well, I found out on Friday that I'm getting a promotion at BBC Learning English, then on Saturday I won £1,000 on the lottery. [00:21.58]Wow, that's brilliant. [00:23.14]Yes, and then on Sunday it got even better. I found out that some paintings I've done are going to be displayed at an art gallery in London. [00:32.17]That's amazing, Helen, you're on a roll at the moment, aren't you. [00:35.69]Er, I'm on a what? [00:37.86]On a roll. [00:39.29]Roll? I don't roll. I walk, or sometimes I run if I want some exercise. A football rolls if I kick it across the ground. [00:48.49]Sure, a football rolls, but you can be on a roll. It means you're experiencing lots of success or good luck at the moment. [00:56.52]I see, the phrase 'on a roll' means you are having lots of good luck in your life. Let's listen to an example. [01:05.61]I hear your sister's getting married. [01:08.31]Yeah, she met this amazing guy while she was working in the theatre in London, and six months later they're engaged. [01:16.44]And then, yesterday she was offered the lead part in the theatre's new play. She's really on a roll. [01:23.94]So that woman is excited because her sister is on a roll, she met an amazing guy who she's now engaged to, and then she was offered the lead part in a play. [01:36.12]Yes, if you're on a roll it means lots of things are going well for you at the moment. Here’s another example. [01:43.26]How are Arsenal doing in the Premier League these days? [01:45.80]Oh, they're totally on a roll. They've won all three games this month, including the one against Man United. [01:52.17]So that man thinks his favourite football team are on a roll because they've won all their games? [01:58.49]Yes, they've won every game they've played this month, they're playing really well. [02:04.88]Oh, oh. Wait a second. I've got a text message from my husband. [02:08.88]What's he saying, have you won the lottery again? Are you still on a roll? [02:13.16]Sound effect of car braking suddenly. [02:15.41]No, actually, he's just had his bike stolen, and earlier he lost his car keys. [02:21.10]Oh, dear, that's bad luck! Unlike you, he's definitely not on a roll. [02:26.10]No, I'd better go and help him look for those keys. Bye. [02:30.34]Bye.