Management is going through a big turnover these days. With Bill's retirement, and department realignment, we have lost about 1/3 of our managerial staff. They've been dropping like flies. Isn't that a good thing? Having fewer bosses means having less stress, don't you think? Actually, I don't think so. Supervisors are really important to make sure everything goes smoothly in the workplace. They are necessary for divvying up work and disciplining employees. If there is no one to keep an eye on us, no one would get any work done. You know what they say, when the cat's away, the mice play. You're right, we do need leadership. But what we don't need is too many people to lead us. You know what they say about too many chiefs and not enough Indians. Alright. I get your point. 这些日子管理层要有大的人员调动.比尔退休了,加上部门重新调整,我们损失了三分之一的管理人员.他们被大批裁掉… 那样不好吗?领导少一点意味着压力小一点儿,你不这么看吗? 说实话,我不这么看.主管对于确保工作场所的一切正常运转非常重要,对于分配任务,管理员工是非常必要的.如果没有人监督我们,那就没有人好好干活了.他们会说,山中无老虎,猴子称霸王. 你说的对,我们确实需要领导.可是我们不需要太多的领导.你知道管事的人多了,干活的人就少了. 是这样……你说的对. Turnover: the rate at which employees leave a company and are replaced by other people 人事变更率;人员调整率 The factory has a high turnover of staff. 这家工厂的人员变更率很高.supervisor: a person who supervises sb/sth 监督人;指导者;主管人 noun I have a meeting with my supervisor about my research topic. 我要就我的研究课题同导师见一次面. Discipline: to train sb, especially a child, to obey particular rules and control the way they behave 训练;训导;管教 a guide to the best ways of disciplining your child 管教子女最佳方法指南 Drop like flies:大批裁员Divvy up:分配 When the cat’s away, the mice play. 山中无老虎,猴子称霸王. Too many chiefs, not enough Indians. 管事的多了,干活的人就少了. I get your point. 你说的是.