The Duke University team designed two games, one to test patience and the other assessing risk-taking. The second was a sort of gambling game where the 40 chimps and bonobos the team studied were offered a choice between a safe option, six peanuts hidden under a bowl, or a risky option. The second bowl concealed either a slice of cucumber or a much tastier piece of banana, and that prise wasn't revealed until the ape had made its choice. When one chimp, named Timi, gambled and got the cucumber, he threw what looked and sounded very much like a tantrum. Although some were more stoic than Timi, many of the animals involved showed an emotional response to a bad decision, anxiously scratching themselves or calling out. The study, the scientists say, suggests that emotions like frustration and regret, so fundamental to our own decisions, are not uniquely human, but are an important and ancient part of ape society. 杜克大学设计了两个游戏-一个游戏是用来测试耐心的,另一个用来评估风险承担系数 第二个游戏是一种赌博游戏。在这个游戏中,这个团队研究的四十只黑猩猩和巴诺布猿被给予了一个选择的权利。它们需要在两个选项中做出选择,即一个安全的选项-一只碗下面藏着的六个花生,或是一个有风险的选项。第二个碗里藏了一片黄瓜或是一片更美味的香蕉。并且,直到猩猩做出了自己的选择,奖励才会被揭开。 当一只叫蒂米的黑猩猩冒险一试得到了黄瓜,他的表情和声音都让人觉得他很像在发脾气。虽然一些猩猩比蒂米坚忍,很多此游戏中的动物却对不好的结果表现出了情绪反应-紧张地抓挠他们自己或是尖叫出声。 科学家说这项研究表明类似挫败和后悔这些对我们自身的决定非常重要的感情不只是人类独有的,也是猩猩社会一项重要而古老的组成部分。