The scandal reads like the script of a European television thriller, melding politics with human drama. The pressure had been growing on the prime minister since Friday when his chief of staff, Jana Nagyova, was charged with corruption and abuse of power. Detectives said she was suspected of bribing MPs with jobs in state-owned companies. Last week, police raided government offices and seized $8 million worth of cash and gold. The chief of staff is also accused of ordering spying on Prime Minister Necas' wife. Intriguingly, he said in his resignation speech that what he called the "twists and turns of his personal life" were a weight on the political situation in the country. It is not clear if the president of the country will rule that there should be a new general election, or whether some form of the existing coalition government will continue with a different prime minister. 读起来就像欧洲惊悚电视中的剧本一样,将政治和人类戏剧融合在一起。由于捷克总理的幕僚珍娜被控诉贪污、玩弄职权,从星期五开始,捷克总理的舆论压力开始增加。刑警说:珍娜被怀疑用国有公司的职位贿赂国会议员们。 上周,警察搜索政府办公室,搜获800万现金和黄金。参谋长也被控诉派人监听总理内恰斯的妻子。 有趣的是,在内恰斯的辞职发言中说:他个人的坎坷人生是国家政治局势的负担。 国家的总统是否宣布重新大选或者现存的联合政府的一些形式是否会伴随新一届的总理,这些都不得而知。