Lightning never strikes twice, they say. But apparently jewel thieves do, especially, it seems, at famous French film festivals. Thieves outwitted 80 bodyguards, local police and hotel security to make off with the two and a half-million-dollar necklace, owned by the Swiss jewellery company De Grisogono. The lavish piece had been displayed in a fashion parade at a glamorous party attended by film stars and celebrities at an exclusive hotel in Cap d'Antibes. At the end of the evening a check was made of the jewellery and the necklace had disappeared. French police are investigating whether the jewellery was stolen, lost or misplaced. Last week thieves ripped a safe out of a hotel wall in Cannes, stealing one and a half million dollars' worth of jewellery owned by the Swiss company Chopard. 人们说同一灾祸不会在同一场所重复发生,但现在看来显然珠宝盗窃会,并且是发生在法国著名电影节。 盗贼智胜80保镖、当地警察和酒店保安盗取了由瑞士珠宝公司De Grisogono拥有的价值250万美元的项链。该项链曾在昂蒂贝酒店举行的许多电影明星和名人参加的奢华私人派对中的时尚巡游展出。 当晚结束后珠宝制的支票和项链不翼而飞。法国警方调查珠宝是否失窃、丢失或放错地方。上周盗贼在戛纳酒店撬开了一个墙壁上的保险柜,盗窃了由瑞士Chopard公司所拥有的价值150万美元的珠宝。