作词 : 方大同 作曲 : 方大同 Well it's gonna be a beautiful sunny day today And we can expect much more the same over the next couple of days You might want to do some of those outdoor activities that you've been saving up for Well it looks like another rare one, folks Get your umbrellas out if you're going out Possible thunder shower is over the next hours Cloudy tomorrow with a 50% chance of precipitation It's gonna be a cold one folks, so just warned This is the kind of weather that makes you wanna stay at home In fact, this is the kind of weather that makes you want to move somewhere warm If you don't have to go out today, don't The heat and humidity are at then all-time high And it's particularly brutal for anyone with heart or respiratory problems Make sure that if you gotta go out or exert yourself, that you drink lots of fluids This is serious, folks Hospitals are already reporting record numbers of respiratory emergencies due to this heat wave The weather situation is much worse across the country 38 deaths are being blamed on this heat wave, and is suspected to continue for at least another 3 days Stay cool however you can, and make sure that you're drinking lots of water