You were a small white ball rolling on the grass Well, we were young and we didn‘t care Why don‘t you sit down and take a rest `Cause you look tired of turning in search of release The world is with you, oh yes, with you We‘re just someone you can count on `Cause we are dreamers in a dreamer‘s land! A dozen kids with no cares We had to run through the day, and then laugh through the night While you went to hole number nine ...a tear drop on our skin. There was a deep crack in being. But you still held your club, and a few dozen friends for that pain We had to smile through the day... As I see your mind in overflow, I carry you right through the door The strength that you show from your heart, is reflected in your eyes And I see... We had to smile through the day, and cry through the night We stand strait and keep hoping I know somewhere we realized... `Cause we were fighting I‘m sure you made the big part of it You reached green number eighteen, we were on tee number three And we were dreamers I see us playing so careless in the classroom beside And we were hundreds When we were forced to realize While we were drowning in rashness You were on fairway nineteen...