[00:00.000] 作曲 : Kevin Bertrand [00:15.447]Bitter is the taste of my contempt for those [00:19.198]protecting their dreamscape; as such becoming foe [00:22.835]of humanity and reason; for truth they can't endure [00:26.856]Reality denied; like sick that fear the cure [01:08.013]I paint myself with the blood of life [01:11.069]so cruelly culled by the hands of Adam [01:14.383]Armed with hate and malice; for millennia to come [01:21.102]and with the vengeance of that [01:23.653]which will be coldly laid to waste without regrets [01:37.188]I can no longer sit back and watch [01:42.254]whilst this abomination takes its course [01:49.267]Unknowing was our kind, when he was made to be [01:53.119]a demon in holy skin, whose light has blinded ever since [01:57.559]and inspired foolishness for generations to come and last [02:04.811]Life just runs its course; no entity to blame [02:08.451]No swarm of spiteful locusts, to plunder in his holy name [02:12.808]I've seen both past and future; the rape of life to be [02:17.248]So I will do what must be done; revealed to me [02:36.354]Visions of mass destruction [02:39.763]amassing strength within my soul [02:43.452]A cage to hold the fury [02:46.477]of the grim works beyond my grasp [02:51.267]I can see their temple of Lies [02:55.413]appearing in front of me [02:58.958]An empire of wrath and exile [03:02.814]which was never supposed to be [03:13.721]The glorious destruction of both religion and mankind... [03:36.890]Edin lifeless in ashes lies [03:44.558]Edin lifeless in ashes lies [04:07.623]Edin lifeless in ashes lies [04:15.362]Edin lifeless in ashes lies [04:32.931]Then I found myself in a courtyard [04:36.044]A thousand eyes accusing me [04:38.725]To rally the course of the future and more [04:41.395]for countless new horrors the way made free [04:45.357]There is no action without consequence [04:53.707]As I freed myself from the clutches of guilt [04:57.436]One cannot change what has been done [05:00.028]The lesson learned alas my friends [05:02.696]the battle’s never, ever, truly won! [05:32.020]A man must fall to rise again.